Monday, March 2, 2009

Thank You!!!!

Wow, we continue to be overwhelmed and blown away by all of you and God's grace.  Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for our family.  We have been very blessed.  We have loved and cherish all of the stories you have shared with us about how God touched your life through Phil. We thank God for allowing us to be apart of such a wonderful celebration service yesterday and graveside service today.  What a great time it was of praising God's name through word and song. We also thank Him for the gorgeous weather both days and for how He has been using this in all of our lives.  This afternoon Vicki, the florist, came over and we reworked some of the flower arrangements and are headed over to the hospital this evening for shift change.  We have an arrangement for the day nurses, night nurses, and chaplain's office.  They became like family to us.  Many of you were able to meet them as well.  Right now everyone is zonked and taking naps before we go tonight. 

Next Sunday, March 8th, we would love for everyone to come back to the Oak's Baptist Church at 4PM for another time of celebration.  The band from yesterday will be leading us in some music and then the rest of the time will be open-mic share time.  Be thinking about what God has done or is doing in your life through this right now.  Originally, we had wanted to have a big celebration when Phil came home from the hospital to sit around and sing praises to God and tell Phil all that God did in our lives while he was going through all of this.  We still want to sit around and praise God and build the body up by sharing with one another how God has used this in our lives.  Please be open and honest as God may want to use what you have learned in someone else's life.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Celebration/Share Time

I just wanted to let everyone know that next Sunday, March 8th, at 4:00PM, we will be gathering together at the Oaks Baptist Church for a time of worship and sharing. It will be a laid back time of worship through song and open mic time. We want for everyone to have an opportunity to share how God is working in your lives through this or what He has been teaching you. Also, we would love for you to share your favorite memories of Phil. Please plan on joining us for this time of praising God for the life of Phil.